Pain-Free Living Magazine

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About Pain-Free Living Magazine

For over 15 years, Arthritis Self-Management has been publishing the most comprehensive information about managing arthritis pain. We do our best to focus on the day-to-day and long-term aspects of arthritis in a positive and upbeat style, giving our readers up-to-date news, facts, and advice to help them make informed decisions about their health. Our staff recently conducted some conclusive research and gathered thoughtful feedback from thousands of individuals who confirmed that they suffer from numerous types of pain besides arthritis. To provide all our readers with the important, timely, and engaging content that they desire, we are re-branding Arthritis Self-Management as Pain-Free Living starting with the September/October issue. Pain-Free Living will have all the informative content already found in Arthritis Self-Management with the addition of other sought-after features and resources on managing the different kinds of pain with which our readers cope. We are hopeful that our broader focus will appeal to you, our loyal reader, and will help you live every single day to its absolute fullest.

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